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My name is Lucia (Loo-chee-uh) Donovan, but I prefer to go by Lucie. I am a digital media manager, copywriter, journalist, editor, podcast host, and activist. As the editor-in-chief of Denver Lynx Radio, I manage a team of writers dedicated to spotlighting local artists and facilitating connections for touring musicians entering the scene. Additionally, my role as a journalist, digital media manager, and podcast host allows me to amplify voices and issues important to the community.

As an activist deeply involved in local grassroots initiatives and a dedicated student of political science, I collaborate closely with community organizers to champion various causes and support local campaigns. From standing in solidarity on United Autoworkers picket lines to contributing as an intern for a state senate campaign, I’ve seamlessly integrated theoretical knowledge from my studies into tangible, real-world action. My understanding of personal branding and digital marketing further enhances my ability to effectively navigate and contribute to advocacy efforts within the realm of politics.

First hand experience working in conservation with the Rocky Mountain Youth Corps played a pivotal role in igniting my passion for environmental preservation. My writing and activism are heavily underscored by a commitment to safeguarding our planet and fostering sustainability.